Mahlie Jewell 

Autistic Identity Art Therapy Group program


The Autistic Identity Art Therapy Group is a structured 12-week online group art therapy program dedicated to celebrating and strengthening autistic people through art practice and process, mutual exploration and community connection. It applies the concepts and framework of Art Therapy, Narrative Therapy and Intentional Peer Support. Conducted within a trauma and neuro/diversity informed framework, the program intentionally celebrates queer, First Nations and disabled people as a social justice action.

We will explore psychoeducation materials, share strategies and management techniques and most importantly engage in creative expression and artmaking together to support us to embrace autism. This group is not a manualised skills-based therapy (such as DBT) and you’ll not be learning skills within this group.

The program is co-facilitated by Mahlie Jewell (M.AThR, M.ACA), a clinically qualified, registered and regulated Art Psychotherapist, trained peer worker and academic and Chloe Simpson, a qualified and experienced arts-based peer support worker and peer educator. Mahlie (she/they/I/we/us) is a First Nations autistic queer person queer with living with ADHD, complex trauma and chronic illness. Chloe (she/they) is a queer person who identifies as autistic and lives with ME/CFS and complex trauma. Both are trained and experienced to work with expressions and experiences of trauma.

"We are magic" stitched onto tie dye fabric with a unicorn head in the middle

Suitability criteria 

Participants should:
- Be over the age of 18
- Identify as autistic - more information on ‘identification’ is in the Overview, Guidelines and FAQs document
- Be hoping to explore their autistic identity (suitable for people newly diagnosed and/or late diagnosed)
- Have access to art materials and a genuine interest in art making (no art ‘skill’ required)
- Have capacity and ability to commit to a weekly 2 hour online session for 12 consecutive weeks without break – Mahlie will
confirm this with you on application.
- Have skills and strategies to manage activation and distress as we are unable to manage crisis situations in this space – This
will be discussed on application.
- Have access to other supports outside of the space
- Have capacity to share a space with others for a 2 hour period (with short breaks)
- Have capacity to use typical zoom online meeting functions (such as chat, audio and video)
- Have capacity to provide weekly online feedback (this is a requirement of the program) as this enables us to continue to build
better programs moving forward as well as participate in valuable and underrepresented research.

The program

Complete program information is available in the Overview, Guidelines and FAQs document.

The program will run across twelve consecutive weekly 2-hour zoom sessions. 

The program will focus on art practice and process surrounding the following themes and experiences:

Week 1: Building a community space
Week 2: My autism story
Week 3: Sensory profiles
Week 4: Communication
Week 5: Masking / Unmasking
Week 6: Burnout / Meltdown / Shutdown
Week 7: Special Interests
Week 8: Boundaries
Week 9: Connection
Week 10: Protection
Week 11: Strengths
Week 12: Reflection


This program is eligible for funding under the NDIS. More information about fees is available in the Overview, Guidelines and FAQs document.


Is there anything else we've missed?

Get in contact today
Mahlie Jewell is registered and regulated by the following: ANZACATA (membership number: 49852078) / Australian Counselling Association (membership number: 20333), NSW Working with Children Check (number: WWC1906452E, exp: 19/05/26). Insured by BMS risk solutions.
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